Author, Speaker, & Lactation Consultant
Erin L. O'Reilly
Nourish & Nurture:
Overlooked Ingredients and Empowering Poetry for Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, and Motherhood

Nutrition is important, especially for mothers!
Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers are eating for two and need and deserve better nourishment as they bear, birth, and breastfeed our precious children.
Over 40% of the American diet consists of ultra-processed foods with poor nutritive capacity designed just to fill us up (and even overfill us) with empty calories, leading to illnesses and expensive medical treatments.
This book sheds light on healthier and more nourishing food choices by discussing important nutrients lacking in our diets, PLUS breastfeeding poems and photos to nurture parents and inspire joyful and rewarding breastfeeding.
The Recipe for Breastfeeding Support in America

Breastfeeding is a public good and is good work, but it's work nevertheless, needing and deserving of support and resources.
In the United States, equitable access to breastfeeding support is still an ill-defined goal yet to be achieved. How do we as a country provide breastfeeding support to the parents who need it, and how will that benefit our country as a whole? Find out in The Recipe for Breastfeeding Support in America, by public health nurse, lactation consultant and La Leche League Leader, Erin L. O'Reilly, available now from Amazon and Barnes & Noble.